Welcome to Moorside Primary School. Check out the community links for the Inner West Easter activities that are taking place in April 2024.

Senior Leadership Team

Ms Linda Hall

Head Teacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead

Responsibility for Safeguarding and LAC Lead, Medical, School Council, Teaching, Learning and Assessment, SENCO, Outcomes, Vulnerable groups (new EAL, Pupil Premium, SEND), Attendance, Risk assessments and visits.

Miss S Rowe

Deputy Head/Designated Deputy Safeguarding Person

Responsibility for Safeguarding and LAC, Medical, Teaching, Learning and Assessment, SENCO, Outcomes, Vulnerable groups (new EAL, Pupil Premium, SEND)

Miss N Harris

Assistant Head Teacher

Responsibility for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, SENCO, Outcomes, Vulnerable groups (new EAL, Pupil Premium, SEND), Curriculum.

Mrs Danielle Armstrong

Business Manager