Welcome to Moorside Primary School. Remember, good attendance is essential to learning. School gates open at 8.45 am, and breakfast club at 8.10 am.

Role of Governors


The members of Moorside's Governing Body have a wide range of life, work and cultural experiences but we are united in our commitment to the children attending Moorside Primary School. We are working with school leaders and staff to make sure that children here enjoy school life and experience success. 

            The role of Governors is to:

  • Provide the long-term strategic direction to how the school is managed;

  • Act as a "critical friend", supporting the work of the Head Teacher and all staff;

  • Ensure the school is accountable for its actions.

    Governors discuss and have input on:

  • School policies, such as discipline, dress, sport, curriculum and safeguarding

  • Long term plans and the future of the school;

  • How the school budget will be spent;

  • How the school will try to reach performance targets;

  • Appointment and dismissal of staff;

  • Complaints from pupils, staff and parents;

  • Repair and maintenance of school building

  • To undertake the above duties, the governing body have appointed sub-committees of governors to look at specific issues. These are: Staffing and Finance (includes Premises) - Quality of Education and Appeals (Ad hoc) 

    It is the responsibility of Governors to appoint the Head Teacher, and also oversee the appointment of other teaching staff.